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Sunday, 16 October 2016

10 ways to save money and travel the world

According to research, science says it's OK to spend all your money on traveling. It turns out that material things really don't bring us happiness - it's the experiences like travel, outdoor activities, learning new skills or going to events that creates pure, lasting joy. I wholeheartedly agree!

However, people are always saying they can't afford to travel, or look baffled when they see others on an average wage go wherever they want. There is no secret, and although many people take extreme savings measures, I didn't want to be that way and I wanted to integrate saving into my every day life.
Whether you're saving for a long trip, or simply wish you could afford to go somewhere like Australia, begin by telling yourself that you can. All you have to do is commit to that goal, remind yourself how badly you want it, and then make it happen.

That's exactly what I do. I make sure that I can travel to wherever I want, no matter the price. I make it work. But first, you have to save and get are my top tips on saving for travel without compromising your day to day life too much...


My AncestryDNA results!

As a follow up to my last blog post about AncestryDNA, I wanted to show you guys what my results were!

After waiting for about six weeks for the DNA results, I was so excited when I got the email telling me the stats were ready to view!

So what were my results?


Sunday, 31 July 2016

Finding out where I come from through AncestryDNA

Were you one of those people inspired to find out your real heritage after watching this video? I certainly was! 

Although I've always been told that I am 75% Serbian and 25% Croatian, I'd like to think there's more to me than that! AncestryDNA can help with that...AncestryDNA recently launched in the UK and Ireland – revolutionising the way that people can discover more about themselves and their family history and also connect with relatives.

I'm going to find out the percentages of where my ancestors come from and as a traveler, I'm super excited to see what diverse cultures I have in my blood!

AncestryDNA is offered by Ancestry – the world’s largest online family history resource – and uses advanced DNA technology to reveal genetic ethnicity and uncover new family connections with other people who have taken the test.

How does it work?
The AncestryDNA test uses microarray-based autosomal DNA testing, which surveys a person’s entire genome at over 700,000 locations via a simple saliva sample. Analysis of the DNA data provides a prediction of the locations of ancestors from 26 separate world-wide populations including Great Britain and Ireland, Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and South and North Africa.

In contrast to Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA tests, which only test one line of your family and generally provide information about ancestry several thousand years ago, the AncestryDNA autosomal test targets the last few hundred or thousand years.


Sunday, 3 July 2016

Eat, drink & act like a Buddhist monk in London

In Himachal, Dharamsala in India

Let's face it...everyone is on some sort of diet, superfood supplement or at least trying to curb their day-to-day snacking choices towards healthier alternatives. 

I'm happily on the bandwagon, too! If the nation wants to be healthy, then why judge them and make them feel uncomfortable about it?


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Krispy Kreme launch a Nutella doughnut!

Innika Choo smock top
All Saints jeans

…because Krispy Kreme have just launched the Nutty Chocolatta NUTELLA-FILLED (*panic attack*) doughnut!! I pretty much squeeked in delight when I heard the big news. Being a Nutella addict, this is a pretty big deal!!

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