Thursday 24 July 2014

Food: Gluten-free brekkie

Like many people, I have a slight wheat and dairy intolerance. It's probably the most common intolerance people have, and some never even notice...others have to put up with more extreme side effects and therefore resort to eating gluten-free and dairy-free foods.

From my experience so far, gluten-free foods can be rather boring, bland and expensive, but with the recent 'health trend' came lots of new brands that are starting to offer cheaper options and more importantly they are actually starting to taste good. Problem is, I think most people don't know about these brands or just resort to what they find in their local supermarket which tends to be limited choice.

I've started to test out some of these exciting foods and will let you know about all the different (and delicious) options you can buy...starting with breakfast!

A lot of people are completely dairy intolerant, but most people are more likely to just have an issue with lactose (like me). I've been drinking this Lactofree milk and having it with my cereal for years now, and the best thing about it is that it really tastes like proper milk so you're not missing out! They also do cheese and yoghurt.

I love the popular honey puff cereal so when I saw this I was really excited to find that they are just as delicious. Gluten-free and wholegrain, these oats are drizzled with honey and nice and crispy on the outside, but soft enough on the inside to soak up the milk. They were also quite nice on their own as a little snack. Only downside is that one serving has around 8g of sugar which may put some people off (not me!). How cute is the packaging?

Udi's is a brand that I wasn't aware of before, but have recently discovered. Luckily, they make bread as well as these delicious flavours of granola!

Let's not forget bread :) Bread is probably the first gluten-free product to have been on sale, so fortunately there is a lot of choice out there. Most supermarkets sell loafs of bread, but it's difficult to find bagels or anything more interesting than plain flavours. Udi's is a brand with lots of gluten-free choices including these multi seeded bagels. Some other flavours they have are sundried tomato, chocolate chip, cinnamon & raisin, and plain. 

Warburtons do a great range of gluten-free loafs of bread, with several different flavours you can use to make sandwiches, pair with eggs or something sweet. Once toasted, the texture is slightly different to normal bread, and a little more stiff than usual which is the case with all gluten-free bread. Sure, gluten-free bread will never taste the same as your sweet white soft loaf, but this comes close for sure.

Genius is another great brand that produce cakes, treats, breads and even pies and pastries. You may not find them all on your supermarket shelf, but check bigger branches or simply buy online as you will be pleasantly surprised at the variety of choice on offer!

If like me, you don't have coeliac disease or an extreme intolerance, you can of course allow yourself to have a treat once in a while, but the above should help you day to day on your quest for a healthier life. You will feel much better and eating gluten-free will eliminate that annoying bloated feeling, too.

The next part of my gluten-free food series will be on snacks and then on lunch. Enjoy and I hope this helps you with your choices.


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