Saturday 22 November 2014

Food: Lactose-free AlproTops Breakfast Day 1

You may have seen my previous posts on gluten-free foods, as I am on a bit of a mission to try lots of new alternatives and make my daily diet healthy but fuss-free. It's been a bit of a challenge limiting myself, removing certain foods from my diet completely, and finding great tasting alternatives to gluten and dairy foods.

I found that I had tummy ache after eating creamy foods, and drinking anything with milk so I had to cut this out, too. I now drink Lacto-Free milk, but I had't tried any yogurts just yet.

When Alpro got in touch and challenged me to taste all of their Big Pot plant based yogurts - Simply Plain, Vanilla, Strawberry with Rhubarb and Lemon & Lime, I couldn't wait to try them all and experiment with different toppings every day to make my breakfast little more adventurous.

They sent me a lovely hamper with every flavour, plus lots and lots of pots filled with different healthy but delicious toppings to choose from. I'm not much of a morning person and usually eat quickly, so the hamper and goodies made the experimenting all the more fun!

Alpro's soya alternative to yogurt, with it's mild taste and smooth texture, is delicious on its own or with fruit, granola, seeds, nuts, etc. It is 100% plant based and rich in plant protein, is naturally low in saturated fat and sugar, lactose and gluten-free, and contains calcium, vitamins B12 and D. 

Alpro sent me three beautiful bowls to match with my colourful toppings, and even a personalised silver spoon!

I went a little crazy with my first try, adding five different toppings to the Strawberry with Rhubarb yogurt - desiccated coconut, raspberries, dark chocolate flakes, flax seeds and muesli.

Desiccated coconut - Full of iron, healthy fats and dietary fiber. Dietary fiber bulks up your food, helping to stave off hunger between meals. It also helps prevent digestive disorders

Raspberries Eating one cup of raw raspberries will provide 54% of your vitamin C needs, 12% of vitamin K, 6% of folate, 5% of vitamin E, iron, and potassium, and 41% of manganese needs for the day

Dark Chocolate - Powerful source of antioxidants

Flax seedsSome call it one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet. They are high in omega-3s and charged with fibre, and can really fire up your metabolism. (If you have IBS you need to be careful and consult your GP on how much to take)

Muesli Muesli is also a good source of dietary finer, and a great healthy breakfast mix to give you energy for the day

I thought that after throwing in this crazy combination of toppings, that my meal would taste a little odd, but it was absolutely delicious. Every different topping gave something yummy to the mix, and the main yogurt flavour was so light but with great taste. I was comfortably full after eating it, and my tummy was very happy, too! :) 

Those who suffer from intolerances will really understand and appreciate this as it's a great feeling to find something that suits your diet,but that tastes amazing, too.

Come back in a couple of days for more of my #AlproTops creations!


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