Wednesday 21 August 2013

Home Proud: Calamity Trading

Whilst browsing on Instagram (yes I am slightly obsessed) I spotted these incredible pieces of art that were being sold in Urban Outfitters in the states.

The company that sells these is based in Colorado (sadly) and the very talented woman that paints them is called Amy. Calamity Pass is a logging road in the Never Summer Mountains near her home, and is where the business's name is from. 

The shop carries everything from skulls to vintage dresses, and is mostly native to Colorado. Amy also designs and makes mountain jewelry from recycled materials, even porcupine quill and bullet casings. This place is definitely on my list if I ever go near Colorado, but for now I can save up for one of these beautiful hand painted skulls and think about where it could go. And don't worry, she gets all her materials from local farmers or finds them herself in the woods, so no animals will ever be harmed in the process!



  1. Thank you soooo much Ana <3 <3

  2. you're welcome amy! i love these, theyre stunning. im just sad i cant come to your shop and browse!!


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